ACRO Single Sequence FPS Analysis for Judge 4:  Jean PEMOULIE

Ranking Index = 3,99

Villeneuv'Air Cup 2019, Villeneuve sur Lot, 8 - 10 juin 2019
Judges nation High value
Panel / neutral Low value
Promotion, Connu
Raw and normalised / FPS revised marks and scores
FP Rank before penalties Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-3 Fig-4 Fig-5 Fig-6 Fig-7 Fig-8 Fig-9 Fig-10 Cadr No RI / FP J-rank Diff
1 Simon VALENTIN - LMG 7,0 8,0 7,5 7,5 7,5 8,0 7,5 6,5 7,5 6,5 7,0 0 1283,4 1
  Cap 10C F-GGYB 6,78 7,55 6,99 7,29 7,51 7,81 7,56 5,89 7,53 6,30 6,96   1017,2    
2 Delphine LACOSTE - ACV 7,0 8,0 PZ 6,5 6,5 9,0 6,5 8,0 7,0 0,0 7,0 0 1132,7 5 -3
  Cap 10C F-GGYL 6,78 7,55 0,00 6,27 6,30 8,83 5,89 8,39 6,96 0,98 6,96   1247,0    
3 Benjamin ROY - ACH 7,0 8,5 9,0 7,5 7,5 6,5 7,5 PZ 7,5 5,0 6,5 0 1146,4 4 -1
  Cap 10C F-GYLR 6,78 8,11 8,67 7,29 7,51 6,27 7,56 0,00 7,53 4,47 6,38   1107,1    
4 Jeanne DESSAINT - ACV 6,5 7,0 8,0 7,0 8,0 8,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 5,0 6,0 0 1214,7 2 +2
  CAP 10C F-GGYL 6,27 6,43 7,55 6,78 8,12 7,81 6,73 6,73 6,96 4,47 5,81   1141,5    
5 Benoît GARREAU - ACA 7,0 6,0 6,5 7,5 7,0 6,5 7,0 7,0 6,5 6,0 6,5 0 1177,6 3 +2
  Cap 10C F-GDTF 6,78 5,31 5,87 7,29 6,90 6,27 6,73 6,73 6,38 5,69 6,38   1193,1    
6 Romain BOUHIER - ACB 7,0 8,0 0,0 7,5 7,0 7,0 7,5 PZ 7,0 6,0 7,5 0 1055,4 6
  Cap 10C F-GYDC 6,78 7,55 0,00 7,29 6,90 6,78 7,56 0,00 6,96 5,69 7,53   1165,5    
7 Charlotte MARIN - ACH 7,5 8,0 6,5 7,0 7,0 6,5 8,0 PZ 7,0 PZ 6,0 0 1034,1 7
  Cap 10C F-GYLR 7,29 7,55 5,87 6,78 6,90 6,27 8,39 0,00 6,96 0,00 5,81   1071,3    
8 Lionel VALETTE - LMG 7,0 8,0 7,5 6,0 6,5 6,5 7,5 PZ 8,0 PZ 4,0 1 972,6 8
  Cap 10C F-GGYB 6,78 7,55 6,99 5,83 6,30 6,27 7,56 0,65 8,10 0,00 3,51   1054,9    
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0   8
FPS revised marks Distribution of raw marks
  Mark to CHZ -     23 max None HZ PZ AV 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
  PZ to CHZ -    
  AV to CHZ -    
  AV to Mark -    
  PZ to Mark 1    
  HZ to Mark -    
  Lo to Mark -    
  Hi to Mark -    

  The 60% rule


This judge's raw marks
Whole panel after FPS
Review of anomalies
Mark anomalies (none)  
Score anomalies (none)    
Review of Judge style and RI items
Judging style: Judge Panel 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Judges average mark = 7,06, mean spread of marks (2xSD) = 1,52 Panel average mark = 6,84, mean spread of marks (2xSD) = 1,83
Pilots not ranked correctly Aeroplane Judge
RI value
this pilot
of total
  RI elements ranked
  by decreasing size
Jeanne DESSAINT - ACV CAP 10C 1211,6 - 1160,8 + 50,8 2 4 + 2 1,46 36,6%
Benoît GARREAU - ACA Cap 10C 1188,5 - 1148,3 + 40,2 3 5 + 2 1,17 29,3%
Delphine LACOSTE - ACV Cap 10C 1160,6 - 1188,1 - 27,5 5 2 - 3 1,16 29,0%
Benjamin ROY - ACH Cap 10C 1169,1 - 1183,4 - 14,3 4 3 - 1 0,20 5,1%
Pilots ranked correctly   Judge
Simon VALENTIN - LMG Cap 10C 1254,3   1276,6 - 22,3 1 1        
Romain BOUHIER - ACB Cap 10C 1112,5   1138,9 - 26,3 6 6        
Charlotte MARIN - ACH Cap 10C 1099,3   1083,9 + 15,4 7 7        
Lionel VALETTE - LMG Cap 10C 1061,1   1077,1 - 16,0 8 8        
Calculations by: FairPlay v2 (scoring CJ + CHZ Summary)
Aerobatic Contest Results Organiser, ACRO Version 4.4 Build: 10/06/19